Laboratory Life

We had a face-to-face meeting with our third-year students!
Date: July 12th, 2023


We had our first meeting with the new third-year students who will be assigned to our lab for the next autumn semester!
First, each third-year student introduced themselves one by one. They had prepared self-introduction cards with keywords related to themselves. Conducting interactive self-introductions has become a tradition in our lab, where they show their cards and answer questions from everyone 🎵

Afterward, Assistant Professor Ampere organized recreational activities using Lego for mixed groups of third-year students and seniors. The activities included exciting games such as a group competition to build the tallest and strongest tower with Legos, as well as a game where group members split into instructing and assembling teams. In the latter game, the instructing team communicated assembly instructions to the assemblers through chat to see if they could assemble the Legos according to the given theme!

We are looking forward to the upcoming autumn semester, as the lab will become even livelier with the addition of new members 🎵